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Welcome Folks To The Game Zone. Y'all Know All Work And No Play Makes Me, Myself, And I a Very Dull Person. So Have Fun Peeps. 

The Hang Man Game- Play Against The Computer 

a- Select a category:
Capital Cities Countries

b- Activate Random

Rules of the game:
a- Choose a category.
b- Activate a random word.
c- Guess letter one at a time then push "Enter" button.
- Bad guesses will be counted against yoou.
- You are allowed wrong guesses equal too the length of the mysterious word.
- The counter down the page shows how maany bad guesses remain.
Warning! You only have bad guess before you lose!.
Statistics & Facts
City Capital:
Country's Name:
Population (2001):
Literacy Rate:
Note. The number of Countries/Capital Cities enlisted in the Game is: so far.

The love Test

Test the love between two people by entering their names below and then calculate their compatibility.

+ =

Tic Tac Toe Game - Show Your Brains Here

Fill-in each of the following empty fields using your own personal data and then click on "Write Story."

First Name: Something to Hide Behind:
Last Name: Friend's First Name:
Male or Female: A Piece of Furniture:
Age: A word expressing Anger:
Mother's First Name: Your Favorite Beverage:
Your Favorite Color: A Room in Your House:
Your City: Your Favorite Hobby:
Your State: Your Father's Name:
Type of animal: Your Favorite Store:
Favorite TV Show: Word to Describe Someone's Rear-End:

Test your Response time!

Click on "Start" first, and wait until the background color changes. As soon as it changes, hit "stop!"
Change background color in:

Repossessed Box - Start typing in the box and see what happens

Type in here: